Tuesday, February 12, 2013



   leadership; predominance


Sample Sentences:

  • This is hegemony, another wave of imperialism and double standards.
  • This isn't the latest academic fad, but a gripping tale of a struggle for cultural hegemony.
  • Stuffiness in social interaction was a symbol of the despised elder generation's cultural hegemony.


Hegemony of Men

Social and Militarized Hegemony 


      Hegemony is used in our social and national circles.  Its basically who the alpha dog is amongst a group.  At school you can see this especially with cliques and social groups sort of hiarchy, along with leader individuals in those same groups.  This "bullying" is also used national, with world powers.  Through opressive force, military, economic control, and any other sort of power struggle or type of manipulation.


Visual Representation:


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