Tuesday, February 12, 2013



   foolish or inane, especially in an unconscious, complacent manner; silly.

  unreal; illusory.


Sample Sentences

  • Henry's portentous musings on the futility of war seem fatuous beside his clear-eyed account of how war looks.
  • It is as fatuous to deny the existence of evil as it is to toss the word around irresponsibly.
  • If another reason is to effect education reform, the idea is fatuous.


Fatuous Love

"All is Fatuous on the Western Front" 


      There are a couple meanings to the word fatuous and how it can be used.  Most commonly however it is used to describe a person or thing that is silly, surreal, unreal, or related to illusions.  There was a quote from The Hobbit that was funny.  Gandalf was talking to a fellow wizard that lives in the forest, he eats mushrooms.  Gandalf had told his friend that he was to fatuous of a fool.  This other wizard was definately slightly delusional and slightly foolish.  Gandalf's description fit him well.


Visual Representation


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