Tuesday, February 12, 2013



vanishing; fading away; fleeting.


Sample Sentences

  • The thinner the wire, the more energy goes into the evanescent field.
  • It was an evanescent moment, captured in the pop of a photographer's flashbulb.
  • Elusive and evanescent, the rainbow has generated wonder and speculation .


Invisibility or Evanescent?

Evanescent Car 


      Evanescence is very similar to invisibility, except that if an object is evanescent it is still barely visible if carefully perceived.  This is where our technology is nowadays with "invisibility".  Scientists have discovered that there is a way to use certain materials that can "bend light" around an object and there for make it barely perceivable or evanescent.  I think this tech is so awesome.  The downside however is if an enemy nation also had gotten a hold of this technology and used it against us, I'm sure you can use you imagination enough to see how destructive that would be.


Visual Representation:

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