Monday, February 11, 2013



 European; the official common currency of 17 European Union nations


Sample Sentences

  • Where do i go to turn this dollar into a Euro?
  • You might want to convert your money to Euros if your going anywhere in Europe.
  • A Euro is approximately $1.34 US Dollars.


Euro is Starting to Fail as Currency

Successor to the Dollar Bill 


      There's really not to much to be said about the European's currency, a Euro.  It's equivilent at the moment to $1.34 in US Dollars.  Its long been debated which of the two major currencies will maintain its value throughout the ages, both have had rises and falls economically.  However both have been having those climax's during the same relative time periods.  As of recently though, the Dollar has been in the shadow of this European dollar.


Visual Representation


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