Monday, February 11, 2013



  to deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor of; weaken.

Sample Sentences

  • The heat is enervating, and we might not finish the hike.  
  • She found the constant stress to be enervating.
  • That dynamite is definitely going to be enervating to the building its next to.


Enervation of Ones Energy

Anxiety and Enervation



      Enervation has been linked with anxiety, stress, worry, lack of sleep, lack of food, and pretty much anything else that drains you of energy or focus to keep at your long day of thinking or physical exercise. Really the only thing you can do to combat it, is do the opposite of what the source of your enervation comes from.  For example maybe you are physically weak bc you havn't been getting much sleep or eating things better for you, you should probably go to bed early or eat something healthy.

Visual Representation




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