Tuesday, February 12, 2013



   leadership; predominance


Sample Sentences:

  • This is hegemony, another wave of imperialism and double standards.
  • This isn't the latest academic fad, but a gripping tale of a struggle for cultural hegemony.
  • Stuffiness in social interaction was a symbol of the despised elder generation's cultural hegemony.


Hegemony of Men

Social and Militarized Hegemony 


      Hegemony is used in our social and national circles.  Its basically who the alpha dog is amongst a group.  At school you can see this especially with cliques and social groups sort of hiarchy, along with leader individuals in those same groups.  This "bullying" is also used national, with world powers.  Through opressive force, military, economic control, and any other sort of power struggle or type of manipulation.


Visual Representation:




  of, based on, or in the nature of trust and confidence, as in public affairs


Sample Sentences:

  • Personal fiduciary services are often referred to as private wealth management, private client services, or private banking.
  • She didn't touch the fiduciary fund from her father's estate.
  • Goldman's report concludes that it should disclose conflicts of interest when it acts as an adviser or fiduciary to its clients.


Fiduciary and the Business World

What is Fiduciary? 


      Fiduciary is just a fancy word for a business like trust.  The word is mostly associated with those in the business world, and those making business investments and deals.  I think trust is important to anything, business related or not.  It allows you to feel comfortable and put your faith in other people.  It does have its draw backs; disappointments, failures..But it allows us to grow and learn who not to trust with certain things.


Visual Representation:




  ineffective; incompetent; futile

  having no sense of responsibility; indifferent; lazy.


Sample Sentences: 

  • Too often such work degenerates into a feckless exercise.
  •  And now he is playing the doddering, out-of-touch old fool who was betrayed by his feckless employees.
  • Scores of immigrants now put their lives in the hands of feckless smugglers, with tragic results.


Feckless Presidency

Feckless Foreign Policy 


      Alot of controversy has been about President Obama and his capability/effectiveness to be the president.  Negativity has been hammer down on every mistake he makes, calling him lazy, irresponsible and uncapable to rule the country. Oh, and apparently P Diddy named a cologne after the feeling of incapability, go figure.


Visual Representation:




   foolish or inane, especially in an unconscious, complacent manner; silly.

  unreal; illusory.


Sample Sentences

  • Henry's portentous musings on the futility of war seem fatuous beside his clear-eyed account of how war looks.
  • It is as fatuous to deny the existence of evil as it is to toss the word around irresponsibly.
  • If another reason is to effect education reform, the idea is fatuous.


Fatuous Love

"All is Fatuous on the Western Front" 


      There are a couple meanings to the word fatuous and how it can be used.  Most commonly however it is used to describe a person or thing that is silly, surreal, unreal, or related to illusions.  There was a quote from The Hobbit that was funny.  Gandalf was talking to a fellow wizard that lives in the forest, he eats mushrooms.  Gandalf had told his friend that he was to fatuous of a fool.  This other wizard was definately slightly delusional and slightly foolish.  Gandalf's description fit him well.


Visual Representation




vanishing; fading away; fleeting.


Sample Sentences

  • The thinner the wire, the more energy goes into the evanescent field.
  • It was an evanescent moment, captured in the pop of a photographer's flashbulb.
  • Elusive and evanescent, the rainbow has generated wonder and speculation .


Invisibility or Evanescent?

Evanescent Car 


      Evanescence is very similar to invisibility, except that if an object is evanescent it is still barely visible if carefully perceived.  This is where our technology is nowadays with "invisibility".  Scientists have discovered that there is a way to use certain materials that can "bend light" around an object and there for make it barely perceivable or evanescent.  I think this tech is so awesome.  The downside however is if an enemy nation also had gotten a hold of this technology and used it against us, I'm sure you can use you imagination enough to see how destructive that would be.


Visual Representation:

Monday, February 11, 2013



 European; the official common currency of 17 European Union nations


Sample Sentences

  • Where do i go to turn this dollar into a Euro?
  • You might want to convert your money to Euros if your going anywhere in Europe.
  • A Euro is approximately $1.34 US Dollars.


Euro is Starting to Fail as Currency

Successor to the Dollar Bill 


      There's really not to much to be said about the European's currency, a Euro.  It's equivilent at the moment to $1.34 in US Dollars.  Its long been debated which of the two major currencies will maintain its value throughout the ages, both have had rises and falls economically.  However both have been having those climax's during the same relative time periods.  As of recently though, the Dollar has been in the shadow of this European dollar.


Visual Representation




 a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience.

Sample Sentences

  • I just had an epiphany!
  • "Epiphany," when it's capitalized, is the name of the Christian church celebration of the three wise men or magi coming to see the baby Jesus in Bethlehem.
  • I love this about the nature of epiphanies. They are a reflection of us.



Researching with Epiphanies



      Let's not confuse epiphany moments with De-ja-vu ones.  I don't to often have epiphanies, but i think its one of the coolest things to experience.  It's almost like an emotion because something feels like it is there after that wasn't prior to it.  Most of the time the thought is something obvious in retrospect but nevertheless still holds a ton of meaning and concetration of what it was you were thinking about.

Visual Representation





  to grant the power of voting to, esp as a right of citizenship

Sample Sentences

  • His strategy was to create public jobs for the unemployed, enfranchise labor and expand the minimum wage.
  • As evidence of change, the following recently developed programs are designed to enfranchise low-income populations:.
  • The effort could enfranchise millions of people who have lived in this country for years without seeking citizenship.


Old School Use of Enfranchisement

Enfranchisement and Representation: Italy 


     Some people nowadays say that Enfranchisement is the new "free".  Slavery is still a problem in our world, however the majority of the earth's population is free.  Even though these people may be free does that mean they automatically have the right of citizenship?  For the US if you are born here in America you are a US Citizen, while in other places this is not true.  You still have to go through all the legal trouble of becoming enfranchised (and voting as well, which comes along with citizenship).  Even semi recently some middle eastern countries would not allow women to vote even though they had citizenship, this was changed how ever and are able to have that right of enfranchisement.

Visual Representation:






  to deprive of force or strength; destroy the vigor of; weaken.

Sample Sentences

  • The heat is enervating, and we might not finish the hike.  
  • She found the constant stress to be enervating.
  • That dynamite is definitely going to be enervating to the building its next to.


Enervation of Ones Energy

Anxiety and Enervation



      Enervation has been linked with anxiety, stress, worry, lack of sleep, lack of food, and pretty much anything else that drains you of energy or focus to keep at your long day of thinking or physical exercise. Really the only thing you can do to combat it, is do the opposite of what the source of your enervation comes from.  For example maybe you are physically weak bc you havn't been getting much sleep or eating things better for you, you should probably go to bed early or eat something healthy.

Visual Representation






  Falling off or shed at a particular season, stage of growth, etc., as leaves, horns, or teeth.
  Not permanent; transitory.

Sample Sentences

  • This deciduous shrub reaches 8 to 15 feet tall and wide.
  • Evergreens lose their leaves or needles like deciduous trees.
  • Plant deciduous trees for shade or make sure the ones you have stay healthy.


 Ezra Pound, Poem

 Deciduous Tree Basics



      The word deciduous is most often used to describe trees and the nature that the leaves, needles and such fall off.  Most popularly would be the Maple or Oak tree, amoung alot of others.  As the seasons change from Spring to Fall to Winter, so do the leaves.  First starting as green then turning to various shades of yellows, reds and oranges.  Until they fall off towards the end of Autumn.  Keeping the beauty of radiant colors lighting up the horizon line and the ground like a cindering fire.

Visual Representation