Thursday, March 14, 2013



  is a philosophical position which argues that the variety of existing things can be explained in terms of a single reality or substance.


Sample Sentences:

  • Monism is opposed to Dualism or Pluralism
  • monism is often a crucial part of pantheism and panentheism
  • Monism is the school of thought that all existence is universally one thing


Monism Vs. Dualism

Monism In a Nutshell


 Technically the concept of all things really being one thing could be applied to many religions.  Some denominations of Christianity believe God exists in someway everywhere and is found in all things, so this would be Monism to some extent. Also this plays a role in Pantheism as well, since in Pantheists believe all things are god, which would mean all things are ultimately the same.

Visual Representation:

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