Thursday, March 14, 2013

David Hume

David Hume:

  Better known for his treatments of philosophy, history, and politics, the Scottish philosopher David Hume also made several essential contributions to economic thought against British Merchantilism


Sample Sentences:

  • Hume fought again Britsih merchantilism.
  • Hume showed that the increase in domestic prices due to the gold inflow would discourage exports and encourage imports.
  • David Hume knew what he was talking about when it came to economy.


Hume Biography

Hume Quotes


   Like i said before Hume was known for his treatments of philosophy, history, and politics, the Scottish philosopher David Hume also made several essential contributions to economic thought against British Merchantilism.  That's a big deal since he was living during the height of that economy during the early 1700s.  He was able to see the deception England was intertwining throughout the economy at the time that the average colonist didn't realize and would then share his knowledge to help prevent a swindle.

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